Cooper BT

Cooper Black, commissioned by Barnhart Brothers & Spindler, is the best known of Oswald Cooper’s typefaces. Bitstream has expanded the 1921 original into a complete series of round-edged text faces.

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Davida font Della Robbia font Drawboard BT font

Drawboard BT

Drawn by Italian graphic designer Nicola Serradimigni, Drawboard is a fun, freeform display typeface. Serradimigni based each character on a rectangle and kept the use of curved shapes and diagonals…

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Eroxion BT font

Eroxion BT

Eroxion was designed by Eduardo Manso in 1997. It is a good example of degenerative typographic design, borrowing from techniques first explored in the early 1990s by the designers at…

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EuroMachina BT font Eyeballs font


Eyeballs was designed at Bitstream by designer David Robbins. Its beginnings can be found in Bitstream’s Old Dreadful No. 7, where Mr. Robbins first conceived the capital I. He was…

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Fat Albert BT font Franklin Gothic font Freeform 721 font