DTC Rough Variants font DTC Van Dijk Variants font Eurabia font


  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Eurabia - The actual typeface. Eurabia is a mixture of two origins. It proves not to be an easy fitting between the two cultures. This typeface is ahead of the…

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Filistique font


  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Filistique is gracious, flexible, and stylish. In the first sketches of this typeface, the one-line drawing principle was the rule. This principal had to perish soon when more complex characters…

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Filo Pro font

Filo Pro

Filo Pro is a very beautiful and highly legible typeface family as regular, medium and bold. It is a quite characteristic, modern interpretation of the humanistic serif. The serifs of…

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Fou Serif CN font

Fou Serif CN

  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

The "Fou" typeface family was designed as an alternative to "Trade Gothic condensed bold". During the design process of a normally wide font variant a system developed that responds to…

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Fox font


Fox was originally designed by W. Rebhuhn for the former German Genzsch & Heyse foundry. In reminiscence of the good old times, Ralph M. Unger redrew and digitally remastered this…

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Funny Nature font Giureska font


I always admired the beauty of Gothic letters, but lamented their low readability. The revivals of Gothic faces are beautiful, but they revive everything, including the traits that prevent readability.…

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