Justus Pro

Justus Pro is a modern Egyptienne with a humanistic touch. It avoids the slightly rustic character of older Egyptienne designs and, despite its distinctive forms, develops a high level of…

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Kosmique font


  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Kosmique is a worldly typeface. It has been around. It does not reveal one specific cultural aspect but reflects the aspects of many. A melting pot of characters in a…

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La Casa font

La Casa

Font design meets architecture – the unique and architectural design of the urban villa “Dupli.Casa” by the architect J.Mayer.H triggered the inspiration for the typeface “La Casa”.
Inclinations and curvatures mirror…

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Labyrindo font


  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Labyrindo is inspired on the classic Labyrinth. The oldest known labyrinth is 3200 years old and is to be found in Greece. The mythological king Minos held the monstrous son…

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Le Rock font Liaison font


  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Liaison is a beautiful non-connecting handwritten script for headlines and display typesetting, e.g. for perfumes, reports of the glamour world, magazines about gardening and recipes, covers for romance novels and…

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Line44 font


  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Remembering us of the early graffiti on the New York subways. And similar to creating and producing a graffiti, a "Piece", also the styles of Line44 are superposed in layers.

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LP Lazise font

LP Lazise

  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

LP Lazise is another new font creation from German designer Peter Langpeter (lp-design.de). LP has been running his own design studio since 1995, working as a typeface and logo designer,…

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LP Saturnia font Luedickital font


Lüdickital is a handwriting script design. Lüdicke wasn´t satisfied with existing scripts which he though of too stylish and uneven. He simply digitized his own handwriting and developed a regular…

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