AM Sans

When designing AM Sans One, it was a great challenge for me to develop a modern sans serif, which despite the large number of existing fonts in this sector has…

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AM Siola font

AM Siola

  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

AM Siola is designed as a pure display font. The starting point for this type design was a customized logotype. Logotypes usually just need the design of some characters to…

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Arsapia font


Michael Hoffmann manufactures digital fonts for 30 years. At URW++ he contributed to the technological progress. Over the years, he also specialized in the ideal representation of fonts on screen…

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Atlantic Sans font

Atlantic Sans

  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

The original plan for Atlantic was to design a typeface in the Venetian syle of the Renaissance, with handwriting character and large ascenders. There is a wave-rolling unevenness in both…

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Atlantic Seawashed font Atlantic Serif font

Atlantic Serif

  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

The original plan for Atlantic was to design a typeface in the Venetian syle of the Renaissance, with handwriting character and large ascenders. There is a wave-rolling unevenness in both…

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Banner font Black Market font Bohemian font Breite Kanzlei font