There are three XKnightMares fonts. Each has rather formal chess fonts. The key layout is a bit complicated; see the key guide for detailed information on how to position pieces…
There are three XKnightMares fonts. Each has rather formal chess fonts. The key layout is a bit complicated; see the key guide for detailed information on how to position pieces…
The first release of XLaserTrain, a toy train font, was constructed by taking bits from the four LetterTrain fonts. Version 2, released in late 2010, added a great many cars…
XLeafMeAlone is a collection of leaf silhouettes from common Indiana trees based on actual leaves. Various leaves, selected for their good looks not their intelligence, were scanned and hand-traced. Some…
Most of the letter keys are from animal drawings done by a six or eight year old child who has now grown up.
XPawnShop is a typographical chess font; the pieces are letters. The Pawn is an awkward letter P, the knight is a horse in the shape of an h, the bishop…
XPhyngern is a collection of pointing fingers taken from a variety of sources. Some come from the 19th century, when there were a great many used. Others are based on…
XPointedDesert and XSimpleHands do not have as much variety in the hands as XPhyngern, but their hands point in a lot more directions--up, down, and at 45-degree angles.
XRoomingHouse is a typeface of pictures that I did many years ago. Most of the pictures are border elements, and within a set they can be combined to make borders…
Two typefaces of snowflake designs; the alternative has the same designs but rotated 30 degrees.
The two XSeederChess fonts are two modernistic chess fonts. The key layout is a bit complicated; see the key guide for detailed information on how to position pieces correctly.