Wyoming Pastad
Wyoming Pastad is the simplest of the Wyoming series. The round letter shapes of Wyoming Spaghetti have moved toward squareness. The overall effect is that Wyoming Pastad no longer looks…
Wyoming Pastad is the simplest of the Wyoming series. The round letter shapes of Wyoming Spaghetti have moved toward squareness. The overall effect is that Wyoming Pastad no longer looks…
Typefaces with very thin verticals and fat, square serifs were popular in the 19th century for display. Hollywood helped associate this style with the Old West, but reference books identify…
WyomingStrudel takes a bold version of WyomingSpaghetti and adds an internal decoration that resembles an exaggerated split serif. The WyomingStrudelInsert style contains only the ornament. It is intended to be…
Xahosch is simple, informal hand printing based on the letter forms of Yahosch but done with a calligraphic pen. It is available in two weights, plain and bold.
I am not sure exactly how to classify these geometrical ornaments. They resemble the arabesque ornamentation of medieval Islamic art, but also have similarities to Celtic knots and to some…
Xaltid is a somewhat odd, decorative, calligraphic typeface in plain and bold weights.
XChessNut contains two chess fonts that resemble actual chess pieces. The key layout is a bit complicated; see the key guide for detailed information on how to position pieces correctly.
XChessterton has two whimsical chess fonts. The key layout is a bit complicated; see the key guide for detailed information on how to position pieces correctly.
XComputerBugs is a pictorial font of insects, mostly butterflies and moths. A few are based on actual species, but most are fanciful and meant only for decoration.
I designed a Morse-Code font in the mid 1990s, but when I decided to update it, I found enough problems with it to completely redo it. I hope I got…