
UUeirdie is weird. The Condensed-Light style was derived from the star-serifed font Asterx by replacing the star serifs with a rounded flare serif. Widening that style resulted in UUeirdie-Regular and…

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Valenteena font Valgal font


Valgal is a wide, rather squarish font with a prominent slab serif. It is monoline and comes in plain and bold weights. The bold weight has an outline style.

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VerticalFlipJJ font VerticalFlipTOC font Vglee font


  • Post author:Ingrimayne Typestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

With its split serifs, Vglee looks like it could be a copy of an “Old West” font but it is not. It was constructed by taking a motif and applying…

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Vunder Script font WalcomeOne font Warped Pasted font WarpedAnark font