Ernest font


Ernest is one of Posterizer KG personal handwritten fonts. All glyphs are taken from Hemingway’s letters and postcards, written by himself, and then reconstructed and adapted for typographic use. Because…

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Erlang Duo Style font Erbaum font


Erbaum is a display square sans serif type family. It is straight-forward in overall structure, simple and rational in details. Erbaum was designed to maximise clarity, with an emphasis on…

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Erbar Deco font Erazm font


To design the font Erazm, I was inspired by books from the 30's from Poland. From a few letters I created an entire typeface - lower and uppercase characters.

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Erato font


  • Post author:Hoftypestaff
  • Post category:serif

Erato follows the structure of french and dutch 17th century types. But instead of being historical, it uses modern formal elements. The simplification of similar formal elements creates a homogeneous…

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ErasedRemington font Erased Figgins Brute font Equitan Slab font