
Escalope is a hand-drawn font with a crazy & unique personality: the low midline, the AllCaps & mixed-case style, the matching icons, all the fun & playful Stylistic Sets will…

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Esboki™ font Ertek font Erstwhile font Erratic JNL font

Erratic JNL

Erratic JNL earns its name from the varying widths and shapes of the hand lettering found on some old Art-Deco era sheet music. Following this unusual pattern throughout the complete…

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Erosive™ font Erosion JNL font

Erosion JNL

  • Post author:Jeff Levinestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Take a classic sans serif typeface, run it through a filter for a "wind" effect then auto-trace the design. The result: a broken, jagged and rough type font called Erosion…

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Eroli font Eroika Slab font

Eroika Slab

Eroika Slab is a robust, display serif, intended to be set large. While for most serifs, display means high contrast, Eroika's "displayness" stems from its wide stance, tight spacing, equal…

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Ernon font