Fleurons One font Fleurons Six font Fleurons Three font Fleurons Two font Fleurons V font Flipflop font


  • Post author:Wiescher Designstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

This font makes the impression to be a blackletter font (Fraktur) but it really only is little squares and triangles stuck together in a flip or flop way to form…

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Floralissimo font Floralscript font Flourishes A font

Flourishes A

  • Post author:Wiescher Designstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

FlorishesA are a set of flourishes, that serves well for frames and other elegant embellishments, they are beginning of last century American. Your I-found-them-somewhere type-designer, Gert Wiescher

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