Fat Times font

Fat Times

  • Post author:Wiescher Designstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

FatTimes is an extension to my HardTimes family. Times are too hard for boring typefaces, so try the fat one one for a change. Your hardworking typedesigner - Gert Wiescher

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FatFritz font Felicita font


Felicità is based on the design of my »Ellida« font-family. It was designed with »happiness« in mind. Therefore I used extremely high contrast between the down- and upstrokes, this gives…

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Ferrus font


  • Post author:Wiescher Designstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Ferrus is named after the location of famous French foundry Deberny & Peignot which was at 18 Rue Ferrus, XIV Paris. Ferrus is inspired by a 1920s font named "Acier".…

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Fiorentina font


Fiorentina is a ecstatic, abundant, embellished script in the Renaissance tradition. It could have been made for the Medicis or Sforzas. But I designed it completely new after being inspired…

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Fleuraloha font Fleurie font


Fleurie is a small town in France on the high banks of the Beaujolais area where they make excellent, fruity wine. Fleurie means flowery and that is what that village…

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Fleuron Labels font Fleurons Four font