Cromwell NF

  • Post author:Nick's Fontsstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

This typeface is a faithful reproduction of an elegant and somewhat quaint design by Morris Fuller Benton, which first appeared in the American Type Founders 1913 specimen book. It's equally…

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Curly Shuffle NF font

Curly Shuffle NF

A collision between fine, fat caps developed by legendary letterer Alf Becker, and a squirrely, curly, uncredited lowercase uncovered by artist Leslie Cabarga produced this merry romp through the alphabet.…

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Daffadowndilly NF font Daliwood NF font

Daliwood NF

This quirky charmer is based on a typeface called "Les Catalanes", designed in 1952 by Enric Crous-Vidal for Fonderie Typographique Française. Appropriately, it is named for the king of quirky…

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Darling Emily NF font

Darling Emily NF

  • Post author:Nick's Fontsstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

The typeface Weiner Grotesk, designed by Rudolf Geyer for the H. Berthold AG foundry of Berlin in 1912, provides the pattern for this classic Jugendstil font. The design is very…

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Day Tripper NF font De Rigueur NF font De Roos Mediaeval NF font Debonair Inline NF font

Debonair Inline NF

  • Post author:Nick's Fontsstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

This typeface expands Herbert Bayer's 1931 experimental, all-lowercase "universal modern face," Architype Bayer-Type, by adding an uppercase and adding an architectural inline treatment. Sleek, modern and sophisticated, it's the perfect…

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Decimosexto NF font