
  • Post author:Eurotypostaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

“Chalkís” or “Chalkida” was the capital of the Euboea island in old Greece.The name derived from the Greek and it means copper - bronze.Colonist from this area founded several important…

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Zalea font


Zalea script is an expressive and dynamic font. It has an appealing "punch" characteristic that gives it its charm and strong visual impact. Zalea was specially thought for labelling and…

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Zanya font Wildly font


Wildly is a casual, modern and hand brushed font. I've designed Wildly carefully with the intention to preserve in its glyphs the original tell-tale dry brush imperfections and a bouncy…

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Waylom font


Waylom is based on 19th century letters written in calligraphy. These writings had some glyphs of a height higher than the others, which together with the flowing lines, the elegant…

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Violant font


  • Post author:Eurotypostaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Violant fonts are designed as a tribute to Queen Violant, wife of Jaume 1st, king of Aragon, a woman of strong character, who supported her husband in the conquest of…

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Vikive font


  • Post author:Eurotypostaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Vikive is a family of Sans Serif fonts, better known in its origins as "Gothic" in America or "Grotesque" in Europe. Some authors divide them into three categories: Grotesque, Geometric…

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Vicentina font


Vicentina has been created starting from gothic cursive calligraphy, widely used in Italy during XIV century. The ductus of Vicentina has been derived from the documents redacted by Master Domenico…

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Vernaccia font Valentia font


Valentia is an elegant font, casual and readable, this new script typeface is based on Copperplate style. Valentia has been drawn with spontaneous strokes and slightly contrasting thicknesses.The capital letters…

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