
Gageac is a classic "Didona" font, characterized by an extreme contrast in the thick and thin strokes, by the use of short serifs, and by the vertical stress of the…

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Fractus font


The requirements of Middle Ages scribes who copied and produced books in monasteries were fundamentally to preserve space, due to the high cost of the writing surface. During this long…

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Fortezza font


  • Post author:Eurotypostaff
  • Post category:serif

Fortezza is a family of fonts inspired by the great masters who have created the Modern Roman style: Firmin Didot (1764 -1836) and Giambattista Bodoni (1740 -1813) Both typefaces can…

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Flamenca font


Flamenco is an Andalusian art. Who think in flamenco, think in Spain. Is the result of a cultural mix: Gypsies, Arabs, Jews and Christians mixed elements of their respective cultures…

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Fiume font Fiesole font


Fiesole was inspired by calligraphic models; it is a bookface font family to be used for text, display and caption. Fiesole has three different lengths of items (ascenders-descenders). Old style…

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Favarotta font


Favarotta was a small settlement on the medieval times. in the Gulf of Castellammare near Palermo, Sicily. Favarotta font is inspired on the style of writing based on Carolingian models,…

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Eydis font


Eydis Regular is a casual script font that retains the original texture of the stroke on the paper. This font has good legibility as body type and strong expressiveness to…

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Eurotypo Sans font

Eurotypo Sans

  • Post author:Eurotypostaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Eurotypo Sans Family is a classic modern Sans Serif typeface.This family contains six weights of fonts starting from Light to black, with a matching italic face for each weight.Each font…

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Eurotypo Bodoni font