
The typeface was designed for Polygraphmash type design bureau in 1963 by Lithuanian book and type designer Vitoldas Bachenas. There is a low-contrast Serif with some unusual elements. For use…

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Bannikova font


Designed at Polygraphmash type design bureau in 1946-51 by Galina Bannikova, inspired by Russian Grazhdansky early- and mid-18th century typefaces as well as Roman Humanist typefaces of the Renaissance. With…

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Bazhanov font


PT Bazhanov™ was designed at Polygraphmash type design bureau in 1961 by Michael Rovensky (1902-1996). Based on the lettering by Moscow book designer Dmitry Bazhanov (1902-1945). Old-fashioned flavor of this…

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Elizabeth font


The hand composition typeface was developed at the Ossip Lehmann type foundry (St. Petersburg) in 1904-07 (after designs by Alexander Leo?). It was redeveloped at Polygraphmash in 1960s for slugcasting…

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Kuzanyan font


The hand composition typeface was created at Polygraphmash type design bureau in 1959 by a well-known Soviet book and type designer Pavel Kuzanyan (1901-1992). It was reproduced in the 1960s…

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Literaturnaya font


Designed at Poligraphmash circa 1940. Based on Latinskaya of the H. Berthold (St.Petersburg, 1901), Cyrillic version of Lateinisch of H.Berthold (Berlin, 1899). This digital version developed at ParaGraph in 1996…

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Neva font


Neva Regular with Italic was created by Moscow book and type designer Pavel Kuzanyan (1901-1992) at Polygrafmash in 1970 for slugcasting and display composition. Based on simple strict letterforms of…

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New Journal font

New Journal

The typeface was designed at the Polygraphmash type design bureau in 1951-53 by Lev Malanov, Elena Tsaregorodtseva et al. Based on Cyrillic version of Excelsior, 1931, of Mergenthaler Linotype, by…

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Quant Antiqua font

Quant Antiqua

The typeface was designed at the Polygraphmash type design bureau in 1989 by Lyubov Kuznetsova. Based on the typeface Literanutnaya (Latinskaya) of the Berthold typefoundry (St.-Petersburg, 1901), a version of…

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Svetlana font


  • Post author:ParaTypestaff
  • Post category:serif

Designed in 1976–81 by Michael Rovensky (1902–1996) as the body text companion of his Bazhanov Display typeface (1961), of Polygraphmash typefoundry. Based on the lettering by Moscow book designer Dmitry…

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