
Palatino is the work of Hermann Zapf, and is probably the most universally admired and used of his type designs. In 1950, it was punchcut in metal by August Rosenberger…

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Palatino eText font

Palatino eText

A clear and enjoyable reading experience hinges on the legibility of text copy, especially when reading on screen. This is why Monotype has developed the eText collection of fonts specifically…

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Palatino Sans font

Palatino Sans

  • Post author:Linotypestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Palatino Sans was designed as part of a group of three font families: Palatino nova, Palatino Sans, and Palatino Sans Informal. Together these three families act as the fulfilment of…

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Palatino Sans Informal font Vario font


Vario is a bold brush-based design. Created by the renowned type designer and calligrapher, Hermann Zapf, Vario offers superb emphasis for use in headlines and displays. It is availble in…

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Venture font


Venture Script reflects Hermann Zapf's handwriting. It was originally written with a Japanese feltpen. And like with Zapf's typeface Noris Script he wanted to preserve the rough outline of the…

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Zapf Essentials font Zapfino Extra font

Zapfino Extra

Today's digital font technology has allowed renowned font designer and calligrapher Hermann Zapf to realize a dream he first had more than fifty years ago: to create a typeface that…

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