Janda As Long As You Love Me font Janda Celebration Script font Janda Cheerful Script font Janda Elegant Handwriting font Jacqueline font


  • Post author:AVPstaff
  • Post category:script

Jacqueline is the culmination of successive attempts to render the loose but controlled script of the eponymous writer’s hand. The result is a fluid script that resembles pencil or chalk…

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Jacques Handwriting font Jacine font


Jacine Family includes four handwritten fonts. In addition it includes very useful extra elements. Jacine Script and Jacine Script Inline are informal and youthful fonts with many stylistic variations, swashes…

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Irish Penny font

Irish Penny

  • Post author:K-Typestaff
  • Post category:script

Irish Penny is based on the lettering from Percy Metcalfe’s beautiful and influential pre-decimal coinage of Ireland, the Barnyard Collection. The font is more monoline than is conventional for Irish…

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Inkston font


Inkston is a hand drawn font collection of six different types and several versions and a set of extras. All the fonts are drawn using the same grid and scale…

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