Spud AF

100% authentic! - all characters were cut from real potatoes, creating the charming imperfections and unexpected results of the real thing. Perfect for posters, children’s projects and ‘green’ themed graphics.…

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Fair Sans font

Fair Sans

Fair Sans is a distinctive sans-serif with much of its calligraphic structure left intact. Its casual construction and unconventional letterforms create a unicase family that’s relaxed and lively at the…

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Fair Sans Text font Level font


Level is a spurless sans serif family that takes a more calligraphic approach to the popular square sans. The subtle swelling and shrinking in the strokes of the curves and…

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Reverie font


Reverie is a cheerful band of letters that bounce across the page and get together to create words in three weights. Generous spacing and a modest x-height project an airy…

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Lectori Salutem Sans font Phenix American font Rotis Sans Serif font Bender font Carrosserie font