
Rudge is an intentionally rough sans-serif font. It was designed to share the look and feel of many “antique” fonts, although it lacks the standard serif look of those fonts.…

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FP Silly font

FP Silly

Silly, as the name suggest, is a somewhat silly font with uppercase letters and it is based on the characteristic expression of the stencil shape. FP Silly is available in…

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FP Quality font

FP Quality

FP Quality is a extended stencil typeface with a slightly and rounded outline and classic shapes. The font contains only Uppercase, and is available in two versions.

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FP Head font

FP Head

FP Head is a redesign of a corporate typeface for the Danish trade union FOA. Head is a extended display font, with a blurred look and a touch of FF…

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Kobenhavn CS font Clark font


Clark Hairline is a sans serif with calligraphic touch, it is part of a large Type System still in production. The main idea is to create a sans serif for…

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Aure Jane font

Aure Jane

Aure Jane defines grace under fire. These clean, sans-serif forms engage the reader with a subtext of trust. Jane’s excellent legibility will stand up under almost any typographic challenge, bringing…

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Mere font


Loosely based on a Jan Tschichold specimen, Mere is a clean geometric sans-serif with simple lines that are best viewed as larger print but still have an impact at smaller…

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Mr Dum Dum font Humanex font


Humanex is the first text typeface of Sébastien Truchet. He created it during the year of postgraduation ‘Systèmes graphiques, typographique & language' in Amiens. The beginning stages of the font…

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