
Pesaro is a new text typeface with a strikingly robust but charming appearance. Inspired by early prints from Venice like Jensen and Manutius, it follows its own formal concept of…

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Pesto Fresco Italic font Pekora font


To design the font Pekora I was inspired by a You And Me Monthly published by National Magazines Publisher RSW Prasa that appeared from May 1960 till December 1973 in…

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Paveline font Patricia Gothic font Patron font


Patron is a modern, mono-linear, sans-serif font family with large x-height and softened edges containing 12 fonts. This typeface was born as a corporate font design for non-profit sector and…

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Paradroid font


A pragmatic sans-serif which sits in the centre on the grotesque to geometric style spectrum. Equal measures of both letterforms create a neutral type family that is modern, functional, and…

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Paneuropa Nova font

Paneuropa Nova

  • Post author:ROHHstaff
  • Post category:legible

Paneuropa Nova is a geometric, clean and versatile font family inspired by Paneuropa - a very popular XX-century typeface, made by Idzikowski foundry in Poland, 1931. Paneuropa was a remake…

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Pagewalker font


  • Post author:Kosticstaff
  • Post category:legible

The name of the font is chosen to suggest its main purpose—setting multiple pages of text. All the features in this family were made with that in mind—legibility, distinct italics,…

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Palamecia font


Palamecia was designed to endure scaling and blurring on various user interface displays. At first glance it looks like a cartoon typeface, which was the goal, but the design of…

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