First Grade

Searching for a font that resembled true children's handwriting, this font's creator designed a font from his own first grade penmanship assignments. Ideal for anything related to children.

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Putty Peeps font Top Heavy font Wee Ian font Cyclo font


Ainsi que le considérait Geoffroy Tory, typographe et philosophe de la Renaissance, chaque lettre de l'alphabet peut être dessinée à partir d'un cercle et d'un trait. La fonte "cyclo" actualise…

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Delicate font


La plupart des fontes “script” tentent de reproduire l’écriture humaine et se heurtent au problème suivant: la lettre tracée à la main n’a pas la méme forme suivant la lettre…

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Phylactere font


This font draws its inspiration from handwriting, in order to maintain a certain dynamism and irregularity. It's a serifless font, with small capital characters, always readable at any dimension, despite…

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Pixo font Volume font


Volume is a 3D font, with interlocked characters, inspired by vintage wooden block capitals! Superimposed weights bring light and shadow on the structure and allows many coloured combinations. Cubo est…

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Zirphy font


Zirphy is a rounded geometric display font and works best in display applications, such as posters, headline, magazine, product branding, corporate branding, signage, logos and titles. Each style has a…

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