Spumoni LP font

Spumoni LP

Spumoni plays freely off of the typeface Bodoni. Though commercial lettering is becoming a disappearing craft, Spumoni provides this hand-drawn quality in a digital medium. Its bouncy, playful letters infuse…

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Manito LP font

Manito LP

Manito was designed by Garrett Boge in 1989. He employed a wide pen and angular, sturdy forms to simulate rough-hewn woodcut letters. The font, consisting of both capitals and small…

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Aylea font


Aylea a modern and relaxed display font. It embodies playfulness and authenticity and is the perfect choice for any children activity, school project, Christmas, New Year, Birthday and many more.…

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Campcraft font


Remember those plastic Popsicle sticks that clicked together and you could make things from them with your sticky little fingers? Things like... camp crafts. Well, no… Of course you don't.…

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Kush font


Kush is what happens when you let your fonts sit around watching cartoons and eating cake and ice-cream all day—When their vectors are freed from all constraints and allowed to…

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Dog Heaven font Attaurel font


They works perfect for you who needs a typeface for headline, logotype, apparel, invitation, branding, packaging, advertising etc.  The combination of the font will make your design more beautiful and luxury.…

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Lassie font


his is so perfect for invitations, monograms, wedding, fashion, branding, label, handdrawn or logotype.. Everything is made with the funny brush. So you can be sure they will work well…

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Wonderbar 2 font

Wonderbar 2

Wonderbar 2 is wacky, retro, and not to be taken too seriously. The wavy nature throughout the characters ensure that you're in for a wild ride. Alternating between upper and…

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