Nuit font


Nuit, a delightfully handwritten family font with strong character designed by Carine de Wandeleer. Its slight bounce and intentional irregularity, gives your words a wonderful flow. The fatness and thinness…

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Number Five font Numina font


Numina is an elegant, dignified, highly condensed modern display family comprising two complementary faces. Numina Glory capitalizes on the family’s strong, relentless vertical texture, eschewing diagonals in favor of robust…

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November Script font Nowy Geroy 4F font Nubila font Nova Caere font

Nova Caere

Nova Caere is a typical urban calligraphy, gestural with its fast lines, with short and slightly noticeable ascender and descender traits. Condensed lower case and rounded capital letters are quite…

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Nova Horst font Nouveau Roundcorner JNL font