
Originally designed in 1998 as a 3-font family, updated in 2016 by new italics, small caps and many OpenType functions, resulting in a set of highly visible poster typefaces. If…

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Friedhof font


  • Post author:Stormstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Friedhof family is inspired by a tombstone lettering dated from about 1900. Beside the solid, fat style, it contains handtooled and shadowed (Geist + Deko) variations, as well as narrowed…

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Gallus Konzept font

Gallus Konzept

Carolingian-Roman-Gaelic-Uncial script, or an exploration into how the Latin alphabet could look were the evolution of the Carolingian Minuscule to stop in the 8th century AD in Sankt Gallen. During…

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Genre font


  • Post author:Stormstaff
  • Post category:serif

The official terseness and grey of Neo-Classical type faces will stand out when we narrow them. The consistently vertical shading of the letters suppresses one's desire for eccentricity, just like tea…

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Header font


Useful for newspaper and magazine headlines, a must for all kinds of impacting posters. Header includes hybrid glyphs encoded where small caps are normally found.

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Hercules font


  • Post author:Stormstaff
  • Post category:legible

Where Modern is too fragile and Century too boring, Hercules comes with its elegant forms and, at the same time, with sufficient firmness to be usable for longer texts. In…

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Ideal Gothic font

Ideal Gothic

  • Post author:Stormstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

At the turn of the 20th century monolinear alphabets were often despised for their dullness. Typographers, therefore, took great pains to breathe some kind of individuality into the monotonous sans-serif…

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Inicia font Jasan font John Sans font

John Sans

The idea of a brand-new grotesk is certainly rather foolish – there are already lots of these typefaces in the world and, quite simply, nothing is more beautiful than the…

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