Anselm Sans

One of the good practices of today’s type foundries is that they release their type families as systems including both serif and sans serif type. Usually, the sources of inspiration…

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Anselm Serif font

Anselm Serif

  • Post author:Stormstaff
  • Post category:garalde

One of the good practices of today’s type foundries is that they release their type families as systems including both serif and sans serif type. Usually, the sources of inspiration…

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Antique font


  • Post author:Stormstaff
  • Post category:serif

The concept of the Baroque Roman type face is something which is remote from us. Ungrateful theorists gave Baroque type faces the ill-sounding attribute "Transitional", as if the Baroque Roman…

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Areplos font


  • Post author:Stormstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

To design a text typeface "at the top with, at the bottom without" serifs was an idea which crossed my mind at the end of the sixties. I started from…

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Bahnhof font


  • Post author:Stormstaff
  • Post category:decorative

Poster type faces from the twenties and thirties are enjoying a new wave of popularity. The summary, even rather hard principle of the sign is required for a view from a…

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Baskerville Original Pro font Beletria font Bhang font


Many visitors to India are familiar with Bhang Lassi. It’s an incommunicable experience, when one should better cancel all tomorrow’s business meetings in order to escape for a day or…

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Briefmarken font


  • Post author:Stormstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

An example of how a custom font may replace a logo, taking all of its functionality. Added value of any specific font is its usage for all kind of communication…

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Cobra font


  • Post author:Stormstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

A cross between a Roman type face and a slug, a type face with blurred letters, inspired by a tropical snake remotely contained in the letter "g". Or a mere…

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