Auldroon was inspired by the pseudo-medieval fonts that were fairly popular in the late 19th century.
Auldroon was inspired by the pseudo-medieval fonts that were fairly popular in the late 19th century.
One of the odder things I remember from high school (40+ years ago) is the tile floor of hexagons in the bathroom. There is something fascinating with the way hexagons…
Suppose you were at a sandy beach and you wanted to write a message by making footprints in the sand. You might end up with letters much like those in…
Baumfuss and BaumfussTwo have small serifs and very few straight lines. They are a bit heavy to be easily readable at smaller point sizes. Baumfuss has an extreme x-height, while…
Years ago the company that developed Fontographer marketed a program called Font-o-Matic, a program that distorted fonts in various ways. 99% of what it produced was garbage, but every once…
BearButteT is a square-serifed typeface. The bold version was developed first as a display typeface, and the rest of the family followed. A fifth member of the family includes swash…
BeneCryptine is not based on any particular calligraphic type style. It has exaggerated upper-case letters and hyperactive lower-case letters that give it a wild and undisciplined look. It comes in…
BeneScriptine is an Old English or medieval face that can be used for awards and certificates, which is the major use of this sort of typeface.
In the 1990s Adobe’s MultipleMaster technology introduced interpolation into font editing programs. Although the obvious use of interpolation was to create an unlimited number of weights for a font, interpolation…