The inspiration for AlbertBetenbuch came from a typeface drawn by Albert Dürer, and an interpretation of that face in Arthur Baker’s Historic Calligraphic Alphabets (Dover, 1980). It is not a…
The inspiration for AlbertBetenbuch came from a typeface drawn by Albert Dürer, and an interpretation of that face in Arthur Baker’s Historic Calligraphic Alphabets (Dover, 1980). It is not a…
AllSmiles is a sunny little face in which all the letters smile at you. In the update of 2011, emoticons were added in the appropriate unicode slots (unicode 1F601 to…
Anarckhie is a square-serifed typeface with a calligraphic origin. The horizontal elements of the upper-case letters are below their midpoint, and the x-height of the lower-case letters is unusually small.…
AndrewAndreas is a plain, geometric sans-serif typeface in three weights.
AndrewAndyCollege is an outlined font derived from the Ingrimayne font AndrewAndreas, a san-serif face. In 2018 the inside and the middle ring were separated out and made independent fonts. They…
AndrewAndyStencil is a sans-serif, stencil font in two weights derived from the Ingrimayne font AndrewAndreas.
AntsyPantsy, BuggyFont, and MousyFont are based on the same design; only the building blocks—ants, bugs, and a stylized mouse—have been changed.
Argenta is an informal, "hand-printing" font that has the appearance of writing by a child in elementary school. The child handwriting characteristic is developed in the ArgentaBobbed fonts, which add…
ArgentaBobbed is an informal, "hand-printing" font with little balls that some people, often children, like to add to the ends of strokes. Maybe it could be called a ball-serif or…
In the 19th century typefaces with star-like serifs developed from the medieval type styles. Asterx is in that tradition of star-footed typefaces, though it is not modeled on any particular…