All Smiles font Anarckhie font


Anarckhie is a square-serifed typeface with a calligraphic origin. The horizontal elements of the upper-case letters are below their midpoint, and the x-height of the lower-case letters is unusually small.…

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AndrewAndreas font AndrewAndyCollege font AndrewAndyStencil font AntsyPantsy font Argenta font


Argenta is an informal, "hand-printing" font that has the appearance of writing by a child in elementary school. The child handwriting characteristic is developed in the ArgentaBobbed fonts, which add…

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ArgentaBobbed font Asterx font


In the 19th century typefaces with star-like serifs developed from the medieval type styles. Asterx is in that tradition of star-footed typefaces, though it is not modeled on any particular…

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