Milasian font


Milasian, an elegant typeface developed by Måns Grebäck. Milasian is a flowing, casual script typeface, with a rich, inky composition, and a tad of a feminine vibe. It is advanced,…

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Milagros Script font Mila Script Pro font Mikkel Script font Mikkel Sans font Mikha font


Mikha, designed by Carine de Wandeleer, is a delightfully handwritten family font which keeps the casual drawing of a marker with clean strokes. Its slight bounce and intentional irregularity, gives…

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Mikal font


David was promised Saul’s daughter in marriage after he defeated Goliath. However, while Saul procrastinated in delivering his elder daughter for marriage, David fell in love with the younger daughter…

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Mikadan font


Mikadan is a tribute to Stephenson Blake’s Bologna from 1948, which was in turn based on William Dana Orcutt’s Humanistic from 1904. The sharp corners are bladelike in appearance to…

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Mijne font