
It's extended. Somewhat. It's got all the characters. There's a plus. It's fully kerned. That's awesome! And it is rubbed down to the nub. Whuh??? That means it's highly distressed,…

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Sincopa font Sincerely Yourz font Sinara font Sina Nova font

Sina Nova

Sina Nova is the slimmer sister of Sina. It has a slightly vertical tendency, a higher x-height which makes it more open in small text sizes. Its economical proportions allow…

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Sina font


  • Post author:Hoftypestaff
  • Post category:serif

Sina is a strong, sturdy and self-confident serif accented face. Distinct ascenders and descenders in classical proportions ensure pleasant reading. Robust but assertively warm, it recalls and references the virtues…

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Simpsonfont font Simpson font Simply Nouveau JNL font Simply Grotesk JNL font