Barry font


The Barry family combines two opposite weights. This display face has a great effect if the two fonts are used together. If you want to make your design ordinary, Barry…

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Barrista font Barricade JNL font Baroque Borders font Baronessa font


Baronessa is a handmade font with a “once-upon-a-time” world feeling, warm and friendly but not excessively childish. No swashes or ornaments, subtle irregularity and carefully chosen letter shapes make it…

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Baron font


After Baronessa - funny but not crazy cartoon style font, Baron is an other handmade typeface, warm and friendly but not excessively childish. If Baronessa is a little feminine, Baron…

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Barollo font Barok™ font Barock 1720 font

Barock 1720

All SoftMaker webfonts come with at least 500,000 pageviews included. Blackletter is the classic “German” printing type. Starting in the 16th century and lasting well into the 20th century, most…

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