Basel Neue font

Basel Neue

  • Post author:isacostaff
  • Post category:legible

Basel Neue is the complete redesign of BaselSans ITD font, the first typeface of Isaco Type foundry, launched in 2009. As with the predecessor version, Basel Neue is a legible…

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Basel font Basecoat font


Basecoat is a handcrafted, geometric sans serif inspired by sign painting and influenced by modern gothics. It has a subtle organic feel without sacrificing legibility. The design of the uppercase…

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Base Runner JNL font Base Monospace font Base 900 font Barton Graph font Bartender font


Small family called Bartender, for the lovers of retro style typefaces. Ideal for product names, packages, labels, old fashioned coffee shops, bars and everything with specific characteristics of past times.

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Barteldes font