Campan font


  • Post author:Hoftypestaff
  • Post category:serif

Campan, is a new semi-linear face which unites mono-line and classic elements. It is very strong in headlines and its tall x-height lends itself to comfortable reading in text applications.…

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Camo Dirt font Camo font Camica font Cambridge Serial font Cambridge Round font

Cambridge Round

  • Post author:AVPstaff
  • Post category:legible

Cambridge Round provides a rounded version of Cambridge, useful for headings and more informal texts. The family contains four weights in three widths with matching italic forms for all variants.

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Cambridge font


Cambridge is a soft and sweet calligraphic typeface, with characters dancing along the baseline. It has a casual and elegant touch. Can be used for various purposes such as logos,…

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Cambirela font Camber font