Centrale Sans Inline

  • Post author:Typedepotstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

A humanist design typeface incorporating elements from the more rationally constructed grotesque typefaces. Its characteristics are relatively large x-height and open apertures. The overall effect suggests approachability without the sentimentality...

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Centrale Sans Condensed Pro font Centrale Sans Condensed font Centrale Sans font

Centrale Sans

Centrale Sans is a modern sans serif typeface. Geometric by nature, Centrale Sans is characterized by some humanistic features, resulting in a more warm and friendly look. Its open bowls…

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Central Park JNL font Central Inline font Centima Mono font Centima font Centim font


Centim is contemporary sans with sharp top endings of stems that give a bit technical charm to typeface. With a squarish look, it can be used widely in all modern…

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Center font