
Kirsty is a sharp-serifed, octagonal typeface influenced by nineteenth century railroad lettering. It was released in 2000 in regular and bold with obliques and small caps instead of lowercase. The current version…

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Kirimomi Swash font Kirimomi Display font Kira font


Kira is a modern hand-painted script with an irregular baseline. Rough edges and imperfect lines give to this brush font a unique and trendy look. All glyphs have been carefully…

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Kiperman font


Kiperman is a text typeface designed in honor of Henrique Leão Kiperman, founder of the publishing house Artmed, now Grupo A. Its forms are simple and straightforward, with no unnecessary…

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KIONA font Kinver font


Kinver owes it’s inspiration to the masthead of a 19th century handbill. It is designed to particularly complement our extensive ‘Imperial Granum’ typeface family. Bring the spirit of Victorian flair…

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Kinship Sans font Kinsey font Kingthings Willow Pro font