La Chic

The La Chic family comes loaded with an extended character set of 575 glyphs covering a range of languages and alternate versions of letterforms for display use. La Chic's Ligature…

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La Carte Pen font

La Carte Pen

  • Post author:AVPstaff
  • Post category:modern

La Carte Pen is a paper textured version of the popular La Carte font. Inspired by a series of handwritten menus produced in 1980, La Carte is a stylish but…

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La Carte font

La Carte

  • Post author:AVPstaff
  • Post category:script

Inspired by a series of handwritten menus produced in 1980, La Carte is a stylish but legible script that sets as well in body copy as it does in headlines.

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La Bodeguita font

La Bodeguita

La Bodeguita is a new calligraphic font carefully designed with walnut ink and a Spencerian feather on an oblique penholder. Bodega means "wine cellar", Bodeguita small "wine cellar"_ This font…

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Kyouking font


The Kyouking design is basically the structural century blend with a modern feel approach to make it a flexible and epic, effective font for the creation of ambitious poster headlines,…

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Kylo Sans font Kylie 4F font Kycka font Kwun Tong JNL font

Kwun Tong JNL

  • Post author:Jeff Levinestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Loosely based on a hand lettered title found on vintage sheet music for the song "Hong Kong", the design for Kwun Tong JNL emulates the letters and numbers formed from…

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Kwokwi font