Parisi font


The Parisii was a small Gallic people settled in the current Paris region, which gave its name to the city of Paris. According to Caesar (53 BC.), their main town…

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Paris Stencil JNL font Paris Serif font

Paris Serif

Paris Serif is an avant-gardist serif handwritten font designed in Paris. It’s an all-caps thin font, with Art Deco ornaments and extended glyphs for many languages. But the little difference…

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Paris Doodles font Paris font


  • Post author:kapitzastaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Walking around Paris looking for inspiration for our latest people font, we encountered chic Parisians, yummy food markets, and bakeries on virtually every street corner with delicious baguettes and pastries.…

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Parfumerie Script font Parfum De Paris JNL font Parenting JNL font Pardesi font