Canoodle font Canoe font Cannoli font


  • Post author:Eurotypostaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Cannoli is a brush lettering style font, designed specially for use in logotypes, advertising and packaging. It is interesting to note the use of free-flowing lettering to perform its own…

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Canned Whale font Canilari font


Canilari is a post-modern type family inspired by Diaguita pottery and contemporary serif typefaces. The Diaguita culture—developed from 10th century A.D. until 16th century A.D.—settled in the area of the…

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Caneletter font Canela Bark font Candy Script font Candy Randy font

Candy Randy

  • Post author:Lauren Ashpolestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Not inspired by any one thing, Candy Randy came about as an attempt to capture the feel of hours spent aimlessly perusing childrens' advertising and packaging from the early 1960s.…

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