
  • Post author:Hoftypestaff
  • Post category:garalde

Corda – an elegant serif family with an easygoing, flowing ductus. It is semi-contrasted and even in the heavier styles appears light and breezy. Pleasant for reading and in display…

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Corbert Condensed font Corbert font Coral font


Coral had its origins in the font Leah. I had requests from users that I create a cursive version of Leah. (In a cursive font the letters are joined together…

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Coquillage font Copte Scripte font Copperplate Script CT font Copperplate Gothic Hand 31AB font Copperplate FS font Copperlove font


Copperlove was born during a very long and hard wintertime in Berlin. This font is based on Giuseppe Salerno’s Copperplate calligraphy. Oblique nib and sepia ink were the tools used…

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