
  • Post author:Chankstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

TRUCKER is a remaster of a classic Chank Font, first released in 1996 with the classic dirty name Fornicator. In addition to giving the font the more family-friendly name Trucker,…

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Turman Grotesk font

Turman Grotesk

  • Post author:Chankstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Turman Grotesk is inspired by the hand-drawn painterly letterforms poster artist Adam Turman uses in his poster designs. Each character uppercase and lowercase has contextual alternates that can be used…

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Urban Circus font

Urban Circus

Urban Circus is a big, grand display font that celebrates both the thoughtful, carefully constructed elements of contemporary urban planning and also the joyful, chaotic and magical elements of the…

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Venis font


  • Post author:Chankstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

On first impression, Venis is a traditional text typeface: clean, simple and elegant with nice contrast. On closer inspection, you'll notice nuances that add charm and wonder, much like its…

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Woodrow font


  • Post author:Chankstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

If Mister Frisky is a bit too kooky for your project, try Woodrow. The big floppy serifs and hand-drawn strokes give this font very "Chanky" characteristics. Woodrow is bold, bouncy,…

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Wordy Diva font

Wordy Diva

  • Post author:Chankstaff
  • Post category:script

Take a gander at this jaunty, journal-inspired handwriting style. Wordy Diva was drawn in 1995 by Lisa Bralts and faxed to Chank Diesel. The fax was converted to font format,…

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Xanakee font


  • Post author:Chankstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Xanakee is a curvacious bubbly fun font, with equal parts pleasant approachableness and a swaggerish strut. Xanakee features large, leisurely curves controlled by the consistency of the monoline stroke. All…

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Yearling font


The Yearling fonts are inspired by old propaganda poster letter forms of the 20th century. However, they're also intended to work well in modern communications as well. Yearling was originally…

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Yellabelly font


  • Post author:Chankstaff
  • Post category:script

Being a lefty makes it challenging to write in cursive. Unlike righthanders who pull the pencil across the page, lefties must push the pencil as they write. As a result,…

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ZsaZsa Galore font

ZsaZsa Galore

  • Post author:Chankstaff
  • Post category:funny

Chank created Zsazsa Galore as a fresh alternative to Mister Frisky, another jerky, hypercaffeinated interpretation of the traditional roman alphabet. The difference this time is that the new font has…

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