
  • Post author:Victory Typestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Mechanikschrift, roughly German for “mechanical writing”, is a typeface from Noah Rothschild and Victory Type. The aesthetic of this font is just what its name points towards: machine-like structure with…

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Metro Gothic font

Metro Gothic

Composed of two typefaces, Regular and Fat, Metro Gothic is a modern rendition of Eurostile letterforms. MG's wide unicase characters were designed on a geometric grid while incorporating only two…

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Quattro font


Quattro is a digital depiction of the golden age of typography: the printing press. Quattro's design is based on the antiquated look of aged documents and text samples set in…

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Surfside font


  • Post author:Victory Typestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

These are the letters I doodled in the margins of my high school notebooks. As it turns out, a man named Milt Glaser doodled them first. He doodled a lot…

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Abagail Jackson font AccruedInterest font AcornSwash font AlbertBetenbuch font All Smiles font Anarckhie font


Anarckhie is a square-serifed typeface with a calligraphic origin. The horizontal elements of the upper-case letters are below their midpoint, and the x-height of the lower-case letters is unusually small.…

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