Pratt Nova

Shaped by constraint to accommodate a large character count, Pratt Nova has massive form: semi-condensed, large x-height, short descenders and capitals. And yet it transcends its restrictive origins in abundance,…

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Preface font


Preface vs. Helvetica/Futura/Gill: a different strategy of text color. Whereas the established classes of sans serif typeface achieve a dynamic balance between stroke and space by combining a diversity of…

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Richler font Scotch Modern font

Scotch Modern

Sporting pot-hook serifs and a tiny aperture, the Scotch Modern was an evolution of the Didone and Scotch Roman classifications, becoming the default type genre of the 19th century. Recontextualizing…

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Sense font


Modernist sans serif with a "big" look and lots of weights. Compact, elegant and strong, Sense commands any kind of page -- from the largest headline to the smallest text.

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Softmachine font


Softmachine is an OpenType font with the unusual quality of equidistant letter spacing, with the negative spaces within glyphs also having the same thickness. This is achieved by the shape,…

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Walburn font


Condensed “modern” family based on the early 19th Century Walbaum typeface. A variety of treatments for use at sizes ranging from text to large display, where the micro-detailing comes into…

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Worldwide font ABC Basisschrift font Alternate Gothic Pro Antique font