Yang font


Yang is a new Sans typeface that has a little bit of Ying in it. This combination makes it a very versatile font. Just give it a try and you…

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Ying font


Ying is a new Serif typeface that has a little bit of Yang in it. This combination makes it a very versatile Serif font. Just give it a try and…

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Zelda font


»ZELDA«, my new font family is named after Zelda Fitzgerald, the »Flapper« wife of »Tender is the Night« F. Scott Fitzgerald. They really lived it up at the French Riviera.…

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Chalk Casual font

Chalk Casual

  • Post author:Page Studio Graphicsstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

The Chalk Casual family includes four versions of a display font designed to simulate characters written in chalk. The character shapes also match those of Page Studio Graphics' PIXymbols Casual…

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Faux Arabic font Faux Chinese font Faux Hebrew font

Faux Hebrew

Simulated Hebrew. Some of the original Hebrew characters have been given new roles, others modified to resemble modern Latin characters. Includes an upper case alphabet, numerals, and basic faux punctuation,…

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Faux Runic font Faux Sanskrit font