Lettera Swash font Liquoia font


Liquoia are three scripts with lots of contrast and different embellishments. Liquoia-A has the elegant, flaming decoration it blends well with Fleurons-Six. Liquoia-B has the flowery embellishments and goes very…

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Lisa Bella font Lisa Fiore font Lisa Piu font Loulou font


LouLou is a scriptlike typeface that looks as if it came right out of the sixties and seventies. Flowerpower! I enjoyed doing this one. Your swinging type designer Gert Wiescher

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Lunix font


The basic idea behind Lunix was a half-moon-serif. Hence the name that is derived from "Luna" the ancient greek goddess of the moon. The serifs pretty soon developed their own…

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Marmelade font Maxi font


Maxi is a very french linear, geometric sans typeface, that can be used in all latin languages. The Maxi Plus has narrow uppercase glyphs instead of lowercase letters and the…

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