Alpha Square

  • Post author:Wiescher Designstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Alpha Square is another font in my alpha-series, my experimental font series. The font is a wider variation of Alpha Jazz. It lends itself well for all kind of modernistic…

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Antea font


  • Post author:Wiescher Designstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Antea is named after "Antaeus" the giant of Libya in Greek mythology, son of Poseidon and Gaia (mother earth), whose wife was Tinjis. He was extremely strong if he stayed…

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Aramis font


»ARAMIS« is a new linear Sans with a French touch– designed by Gert Wiescher in 2014 and 2015 – has 7 weights with corresponding italic cuts. The small contrast in…

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Artegio font


Artegio is an elegant, joining, classical script with impressive horizontal swirls. I designed a complementary set with simpler capitals, lower-case ending letters and medieval ciphers. Your swirly designer Gert Wiescher

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Artis Sans font

Artis Sans

  • Post author:Wiescher Designstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

»Artis« is the name for my latest art-project-font. Obviously I just chopped off the last »t«. Then I looked it up on Wikipedia and what do you know, it is…

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Avea font


»Avea« is a new, elegant, friendly and open minded font– designed by Gert Wiescher in 2015 – it has 7 weights with corresponding oblique cuts. »Avea« is well suited for…

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Ayres Royal font Azur font


  • Post author:Wiescher Designstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

»Azur« is my homage to the beautiful Côte d’Azur and the Provence Alpes Maritime Region. Scott Fitzgerald loved it in Antibes, Juan les Pins is famous for its Jazz, Cannes…

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Bacterio font Bannertype font


  • Post author:Wiescher Designstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Bannertype is – at least for my feeling – the most German of all fonts. It was used heavily mostly in newsprint and advertising in the early 1900s. I designed…

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