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  • Post category:legible

Environ is a rounded and modular font. Because it utilizes many straight lines, it works well for small blocks of text at small sizes.

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ER9 font


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  • Post category:computer

Based on a rounded square, ER9 is a very versatile futuristic feeling typeface. Its monoline design allows for easy customization for headlines and logos.

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Findon font


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  • Post category:decorative

Findon is a classic sans serif uppercase stencil typeface. It is reminiscent of the days before computers when the best way to reproduce letters quickly was to stencil them.

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Ghouliez font Gothico Antiqua font Handegypt font


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  • Post category:funny

Handegypt resulted from playfully hand-rendering Egyptian style fonts from memory. Its playful nature is ideally suited for whimsical designs and anything aimed at children.

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Handy Sans font Hessian font Hydrochlorica font


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  • Post category:sans-serif

This is a friendly display typeface with large ink inlets that make it look like the counters have been eaten away from the inside out by hydrochloric acid. It's legible…

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Invoice font


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  • Post category:serif

Mixing the vertical to horizontal stroke weight ratio of a sans-serif font while adding serifs is the idea that inspired this face. The result is a typeface with unique display…

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