
The result of reducing elements of letterforms to only its necessity in lowercase is mostly influenced by the ideal of Aerodynamics. The true intention behind the design of Cobe is…

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Amsi Pro AKS font

Amsi Pro AKS

Amsi has been designed to equipped with three different widths; Normal, Narrow and Condensed, addition to expanding weights to support various usabilities ranging from Thin, XLight, Light, Regular, SemiBold, Bold,…

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Amsi Grotesk font Eastlane font


Meet Eastlane, the resilient yet robust typeface. A san-serif with a humanist touch, a steady combination of seriousness and merriment, Eastlane is like no other.Eastlane works well as texture in…

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Sarun font Rleud Narrow font Rleud Condensed font Rleud Extended font Amsi Pro font

Amsi Pro

Amsi has been designed to equipped with three different widths; Normal, Narrow and Condensed, addition to expanding weights to support various usabilities ranging from Thin, XLight, Light, Regular, SemiBold, Bold,…

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Chercher font


Chercher Slab Serif was designed by Stawix Ruecha. The design is neat, basic and simple. Chercher has 16 styles with 8 weights and supports for general use.

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