Turban Hey NF font

Turban Hey NF

The “Moorish arch” treatment of certain letters on a 2001 book on Dutch design, executed by René Knip, provided the inspiration for this exotic unicase typeface. The font also includes…

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Turing Car NF font Turista Flaca NF font

Turista Flaca NF

This Art Deco-inspired face is based on the Baltimore Type Foundry’s Tourist Extra Condensed. Graceful and elegant, this typeface’s compact design also packs a lot of information into very little…

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Turista Gorda NF font

Turista Gorda NF

Here’s another offering from the Baltimore Type Foundry, originally called Airport Tourist, which was obviously influenced by Paul Renner’s Futura Display, designed in 1932 for Bauersche Gießerei. This version features…

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Turtellini NF font

Turtellini NF

This quirky little number is based on a typeface originally named Turtle, which made a very brief appearance in Letraset's product line catalog in the 1970s. Admittedly, its uses are…

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Tuscalooza NF font

Tuscalooza NF

Tuscan Extended, from the William H. Page 1872 specimen book, provided the pattern for this unusual in-your-face face. Both versions of this font support the Latin 1262, Central European 1250,…

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Tutti Paffuti NF font Twinkletoes NF font Twitty Bird NF font