Reverse Gothic JNL
Reverse Gothic JNL is a design based on vintage reverse letterpress type for creating interesting headlines with white-on-black text.
Reverse Gothic JNL is a design based on vintage reverse letterpress type for creating interesting headlines with white-on-black text.
Retail Stencil JNL was modeled from a set of 2 inch lettering stencils manufactured during the 1980s. Although similar in design to Excess Baggage JNL, there are a number of…
Restaurant and Lounge is a casual, brush-style type face based on hand lettering found on a 1940s matchbook for the Park Avenue Restaurant (a popular dining spot during the golden…
Retail Merchant JNL is strictly for making prices. The 0-9 keys have large numbers, the shift position of the same keys have smaller, centered numbers, and the alphabet keys have…
The retail storage box for a vintage metal numbering stamp manufactured by the American Numbering Machine Company had its brand name hand lettered in an Art Nouveau style that most…
Vintage New York neon signage alongside the landmark Dubrow's Cafeteria [probably circa the 1940s] of the words "retail shop" inspired the namesake digital type design. Retail Shop JNL is a…
Rendering JNL was inspired by European-style plastic stencils which emulate the block lettering with rounded ends used for years by architectural draftspersons.
Inspired by a bold serif typeface used popularly in the 1960s, Reprint JNL is perfectly adept for handling any titling needs and will get the point across in short order.
Remnant Sorts JNL is an assortment of twenty-six various images. Pointing hands, price tags, vintage stencil designs and other miscellany comprise the choices gathered in this font.
Amongst the pages of a 1946 foreign publication entitled "100 Alphabets Publicitaires" ("100 Advertising Alphabets") is the casual brush stroke sans that was the design basis for Relaxation JNL.