Shicken Zoop JNL
Shicken Zoop JNL is based on an old lettering stencil from the early 1950s. The A-Z and a-z keystrokes contain the bulk of the Hebrew alphabet. Additional letters are found…
Shicken Zoop JNL is based on an old lettering stencil from the early 1950s. The A-Z and a-z keystrokes contain the bulk of the Hebrew alphabet. Additional letters are found…
Conrad X. 'Cobb' Shinn (Sept. 4, 1887- Jan. 28, 1951) was a Fillmore, Indiana-born post card illustrator who sold a series of successful novelty postcard lines which included (among others)…
One of six fonts inspired by old stencil lettering guides, Jeff Levine has drawn a font which captures the feel of simpler times when signs and posters were stencilled by…
Shipping Carton JNL was modeled from vintage bands of rubber type used on a special rotary marking stamp (similar to an office date stamp); generally used for identifying cartons and…
Before the mid-to-late 1970s, when retailers started to embrace UPC (universal price code) technology on a grand scale, pricing merchandise took on many forms. One method especially popular with variety…
Sheet Music JNL was based on lettering found on an old piece of 1930s-era sheet music being sold at a local rummage sale.
Sheldrake JNL is the second in a series of display fonts modeled from actual water-applied decals that were manufactured by the Duro Decal Company of Chicago (now Duro Art Industries).…
Shelf Numbers JNL recreates the small plastic pricing tags that were used on grocery, drug, variety and liquor stores shelves for many years. The number keys have alternates in the…
Shareholder JNL could possibly be found on a stock certificate, but in truth, it's based on hand-lettering found on some old sheet music entitled "Sharing".
Shadowland JNL is a simple titling font with a limited character set. Comprised of just A-Z with basic punctuation, the design is based on a set of wood type of…