Emporia JNL font

Emporia JNL

Emporia JNL is a wonderfully decorative and vintage wood type named for a city in Kansas, and modeled from just a dozen images of individual type blocks spotted for auction…

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Endless Journey JNL font Elsinor JNL font Embossing Seals JNL font Elida JNL font

Elida JNL

Elida JNL was modeled from an image of some wood type for sale online. Although the type design most likely has its roots in the classic Bodoni, there were a…

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Elite Resort JNL font Elk Grove JNL font

Elk Grove JNL

Elk Grove JNL is both historical and original in design. Inspired by a small sampling of letters from an 1800s wood type called Facade, Jeff Levine created the remaining characters.…

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Electrostatic JNL font Editorial Comment JNL font